LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence
Awareness Day
You are invited to play a simple but significant part in LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day on May 28th. This day of recognition, which originated in Australia in 2020 by the LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Foundation, serves as a day of visibility to bring awareness to the unique challenges people in the queer community face surrounding domestic violence.
61% of bisexual women and 44% of lesbian women will experience domestic violence as compared to 35% of straight women. | 37% of bisexual men and 26% of gay men will experience domestic violence as compared to 29% of straight men. |
Trans people experience domestic violence at 54% higher than cisgender counterparts. | Queer youth experience higher rates of physical and sexual violence compared to straight peers. 16% compared to 7% |
Strict gender roles, racial and ethnic stereotypes, and institutional discrimination put people at higher risk of experiencing abuse. People in the queer community experience intimate partner violence at higher rates than their straight cisgender peers, the more intersectionality someone has, the higher their risk is. For people in the queer community these same social determinants coupled with homophobic and transphobic stigma create a higher rate of intimate partner violence among the community and especially for those who are also part of the BIPOC community.
Queer Community and Reporting
People in the queer community are less likely to report their experience due to unique factors the community faces. Frequently, abusers in a queer relationship will use social and economic vulnerabilities often faced by people in the queer community to control their partner. Some may weaponize already existing homophobic and transphobic stigma, discrimination around the community, and lack of education around queer people to perpetuate control. Abusers may threaten to out someone to family, coworkers, housing management etc. if they don’t stay in the relationship. Additionally, abusers may capitalize on survivors already being isolated from family, friends, or community because of their queer identity. As well as taking advantage of societal expectations around gender and convincing their partner that they can’t be abused because of the nature and dynamics of their relationship.
How can you help?
The theme of LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day is to be #seenandbelieved. With your support we can spread awareness about the violence and abuse affecting queer people, making their experiences visible. It can also show individuals in the community they are #seenandbelieved and organizations and the people behind them support survivors.
Willow Domestic Violence Center and Domestic Violence Awareness Foundation in Australia are providing you with the following steps this May to support LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day.
Step 1: Make a Pledge
Stand up and help put an end to domestic violence in queer communities by pledging to create change. It starts with you.
Make a personal pledge to:
- Learn what a healthy relationship is.
- Know what resources are available for Queer people experiencing domestic violence.
- Advocate for spaces to be inclusive of all genders and sexualities.
- Spreading the word about LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day on May 28th.
Step 2: Use Your Voice
Go Rainbow!
Whether it’s in your school, workplace or by yourself, go rainbow to show your support for queer people and highlight your stance against LGBTQ+ domestic violence.
Host an Activity
Get together with friends and colleagues and host an event to raise awareness and funds to help end LGBTQ+ domestic violence. Your event will make a difference, whether it’s morning tea, trivia night, a bake sale, fun run, a team training session, or a flag-raising ceremony. Big or small, your activity makes a difference.
Interested in having an education or training session at your workplace, school, or other community group? Education is one of the most effective tools in breaking the cycle of abuse. Willow’s education, training, and advocacy services are free to the community. For more information about Willow’s Prevention services click here.
- Learn more about healthy relationships.
- Understand the resources and support services available for queer people experiencing domestic violence and how to safely refer.
- Promote LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day on social media and at your workplace, university, or community.
- Support our digital communities by following Willow @WillowCenterNY and using the hash tag #SeenAndBelieved.
- Ensure your workplace domestic violence policy is inclusive of all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, abilities, backgrounds and religions and that queer people are included in all domestic violence initiatives and conversations.
- Make Queer specific domestic violence resources available to employees.
- Ensure you can identify and respond to the needs of queer staff members or clients.
- Promote LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day on social media and in workplace.
- Light up your building in rainbow colors in the week leading up to May 28th in support of queer survivors of domestic violence.
Step 3: Share to Socials
Share a personal message and/or share one of the social media tiles that stands out to you. Use the LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day frame on social media and be sure to use the hashtags #SeenAndBelieved #WillowCenterNY.
Where to get help
- Are you in a healthy relationship? Take the quiz.
- Abuse is not always physical, learn about different types of abuse and specifically how they affect queer survivors here.
- Take a look at the LGBTQ+ Power and Control wheel here.
- Trauma can have long lasting impacts on individuals, even when the immediate crisis has ended. Learn more here.
- Your Trauma does not define you. A sense of hope and resilience can change lives. Learn more here.
- Remember to take care of yourself as a secondary survivor.
Get Help
- Call or text Willow’s 24/7 hotline 585-222-SAFE (7233)
- Visit Willow’s website for more information.
- Spotted Rabbit Studio LGBTQIA+ and Neurodivergent Affirming Trauma Therapy
- Center for Youth and Arnett House for LGBTQ+ and trafficked homeless youth, 24/7 crisis Hotline 585-271-7670.
- home of all things LGBTQIA+ in Rochester and Monroe County.
- Rainbow Union New York State’s largest Community Center and LGBTQIA+ Library collection. Online resource directory of organizations by and for queer community members.
Local Resources
National Resources
- Create a safety plan online here.
- National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE(7233)
- Download myPlan mobile app to create a safety plan right on your phone.
- Trevor Project
- Human Rights Campaign (HRC)