Willow Remains Open Despite Government Shutdown

Dear Friend:

We want to be 100% clear that the Willow Domestic Violence Center is OPEN during the government shutdown. Despite anything you may have heard, we remain open and ready to serve anyone impacted by domestic violence 24/7. You can access any of our services through our 24/7 crisis and support hotline – 585-222-SAFE (7233).

Counselors are available to assist anyone through our hotline and we continue to provide 100% of our services regardless of the shutdown. We are grateful for the outpouring of financial support we have received from the community, which is reducing the strain, but we are blessed to be able to operate with a financial reserve for just such a rainy day. It is our fervent hope that this rainy day does not turn into a hurricane.

We have shared our concerns about the long-term impacts of the shutdown with our elected representatives and are hoping, like many of you, that this shutdown ends as soon as possible. Until then, our doors are open and we will tap into reserve funds and private donations to sustain our entire slate of services for all impacted by domestic violence.

In partnership,

Meaghan de Chateauvieux, MA
President and CEO